Happy Friday! Are you fully awake to who God has called you to

Twenty years ago, my favorite time of the day was going to bed. Can you believe that? It was the only time I could escape the chaos of life and get some peace from the noise around me. Have you ever been in a similar season? Life can be messy, right?
During other seasons of life, Fridays have been a fav of mine as I rushed through the workweek to get a break. While I still look forward to Fridays, I've slowly embraced a God-given, purpose-driven mindset, and guess what? For the first time, I wake up EAGER with a sense of direction and enjoy God and life more.
I've been reading Dream BIG by Bob Goff. He shares a story about a painting called "Sleeping Cardinal." The portrait depicts an artist painting a cardinal of a church. If you look at the picture, the artist looks quizzically while trying to capture his subject. Why??? He's creating a masterpiece, yet the cardinal is sleeping!
Bob shares, "I think God sometimes sees us and wonders the same thing the artist was wondering, 'I'm creating a masterpiece here, when is this person going to wake up?... I wonder what our lives would look like if we were fully awake …Take the next step. Don't just look away; come alive to who God has called you to be. "
Here's a verse: "Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago. I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don't you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land." (Isaiah 43:18-19) That's right; God can do that for YOU!
I hope this brought you a smile. Wishing you a Happy Friday. May we all awaken a little more today.